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Your Care Accelerator



  • 寻找新的家庭医生

    Client without a family physician and is unable to find one to join for months.

    Original wait time: uncertain

    Gotodoctor 提供 3: 可立即安排当天或次日看诊
    将等待时间缩短 100%

  • Psychiatrist and Mental Health Care

    Client referred by his family physician to a psychiatrist for his anxiety and depression.

    Original wait time: 6 months

    Gotodoctor 解决方案 : 提供 3 种选项,,当地医院新计划为 3 周等待时间
    将等待时间缩短 90%

  • Surgery Wait Time

    Client looking to locate plastic a surgeon/specialist who can perform a  publicly funded breast reduction surgery.

    Original wait time: 1.5 year

    Gotodoctor solution: 4 options provided, with the shortest wait time of 1 month
    Cut wait-time by 90%

* Terms and conditions applied

4 Easy Steps

  • New family physician accepting patients in your community

  • Psychiatrist and mental health assessment/therapies

  • Orthopedic, plastic and general surgeon specialists

  • Gynecology and reproductive consults/treatment

  • Internal medicine, neurosurgeon and subspecialties specialists

  • Dermatology, otolaryngology (ENT), cardiology, allergy/immunology, respirology

  • CT (Computed Tomography) and MRI (Magnetic resonance imaging) scans

  • NGS (Next-generation sequencing) for cancer and other oncology diagnostic tests



“I’m very satisfied with GotoDoctor service, the team provided a referral and several solutions to my concern, they located 3 dermatologists in the GTA area within a short period of time and gave several options for faster treatment. Excellent service.”


Nov 3 2023
"I thought it was impossible for me to get an appointment faster, but the QHA and GotoDoctor Care Navigation team exceeded my expectations. You’ve been very helpful, patient, clear and kind"

Alejandra S

Nov 3 2023
"Olga and Paulina have been the help we needed! I was very scared and uncertain of what I have going on in my neck and when I might have my appointment. I have been in an endless loop of trying to get a hold of Dr's and specialists to even confirm that they have received my referrals. Olga and Paulina were both very nice and understanding about what I have going on. Their service was professional, speedy and amazingly helpful. I would definitely recommend them to anyone trying to navigate our Healthcare system."

Adrew M

Jan 3 2024
"My wait time for cataract surgery was substaintially reduced with Gotodoctor's Health system Navigator. They provided prompt, professional services and followed up throughout. I didn't have to leave the house. My highest endorsement".

Wayne K

Jan 17 2024


Contact our sales team

  • 610 Alden Rd, Unit 201, Markham, ON L3R 3L5
  • 1-833-820-8800

    For more information

    Our care team will contact you and assist you directly.


    Please select one of the following options to book your appointment

    Call us at 1-833-820-8800 if you have any questions or concerns

    * We accept Ontario, Manitoba, Saskatchewan, British Columbia, Alberta and New Brunswick health cards


    Please visit your dedicate plan member page. If you require more information, please call 1-833-820-8800

    * We accept Ontario, Manitoba, Saskatchewan and British Columbia health cards


    Please select one of the following options to book your appointment.

    Care and Access Navigation Service

    Call us at 1-833-820-8800 if you have any questions or concerns